Melijn is an opensource discord bot I (ToxicMushroom#0001) started in 2017.
It started out as a ported moderation & music bot in java which I had once made for a public discord server.
In 2019 I did a complete rewrite from java to kotlin to get better multithreading support. Melijn has been opensource since the start and I plan to keep it like this. Dependencies might be kept closed source tho so people don't just steal everything and run it under another name. I don't want years of work to go to "waste" or have others profit from it without contributing anything.
At the start all I really knew how to do was some small web-design things and janky spigot plugins. Over the years in this project I've become happy with my skill and feel confident in maintaining this project for the following years.
Below you can see who helped me out and links to their pages <3.