Join Roles

In this guide you'll learn about JoinRoleGroups, Simple setup, Layered join roles, randomized join roles


main command: >joinRole (alias: >jr)

You are able to have multiple joinroles and give roles by chance with the ability to give no role aswell. You can have multiple joinrole groups so you can give different random roles.

joinroles diagram image showing a join roles setup with 2 groups and chances

Normal: 1 join-role setup

1. Creates a basic group to put your joinrole in: >jr group add basic 2. Adds your @member role to the basic group: >jr add basic @member (you can name the group however you want, basic is just something I chose)

The rest of the examples are more advanced

1 random join-role setup

The color group could contain roles like: @red, @blue, @green, @yellow, @purple, @orange, @pink, @brown, @grey... 1. Creates a color group to put your joinrole in: >jr group add color 2. Adds your @red role to the color group: >jr add basic @red 3. Adds your @blue role to the color group: >jr add basic @blue 4. Repeat step 3. with all the roles you want it to pick from 5. Configure the color group to not give all roles but to pick a random one >jr group setGetAllRoles color false

A role 1 in a hundred users gets

1. Creates a lucky group to put your joinrole in: >jr group add lucky 2. Adds your @lucky role to the lucky group with 1 as chance: >jr add lucky @lucky 1 3. Adds nothing as role to the lucky group with 99 as chance: >jr add lucky @lucky 99 4. Configure the lucky group to not give all roles but to pick a random one >jr group setGetAllRoles lucky false

Give multiple roles with one group

1. Creates a multi group to put your joinrole in: >jr group add multi 2. Adds your @example1 role to the multi group: >jr add multi @example1 3. Adds your @example2 role to the multi group: >jr add multi @example2 4. Configure the multi to give all the roles you added to the group >jr group setGetAllRoles multi true

how do chances work?

If you have set getAllRoles to false -> the bot will add all chances of all roles together For example: (@lucky 1, @unlucky 1, null 98) (role chance) the total here would be 100 then a random number is picked from 0 to 100 the bot will then start adding the chances of the roles again until it finds a hit for the random number (for internal code check our github, link in footer)

Conclusion: if the chance total is 100, the chances can be interpreted as % chance

lucky has 1% chance unlucky has 1% chance null has 98% chance null doesn't grant a role


make sure the bot can interact with the role, you can easily verify this if it can with >role <role*> there will be a field named can melijn interact this should be yes, if this is not the case you have to fix your permissions

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