main command: >setLogChannel
(alias: >slc
You can set all logchannels at once, set groups or set individual ones
LogChannelTypeNodes can be seen as a single logchanneltype, groups of logchanneltypes or all
Here is a list of all types and groups
- punishment, punishments: permanentban, temporaryban, softban, unban, permanentmute, tempmute, unmute, kick, warn
- deleted-messages, deleted-message: Other-Deleted-Message, Self-Deleted-Message, Purged-Message, Filtered-Message
- all: contains all ofcourse types
- PermanentBan
- TemporaryBan
- SoftBan
- Unban
- PermanentMute
- TempMute
- Unmute
- Kick
- Warn
- Other-Deleted-Message: If someone deletes a message which they do not own
- Self-Deleted-Message: If someone deletes their own message
- Purged-Message
- Filtered-Message
- Verification
- Edited-Message
- Reaction
- Attachment
- Music
- Bot: If some problem occurs then the bot might log that here
- PunishmentPoints
To see examples use: >help setLogChannel
or go here