
In this guide we'll learn about how to general spam bots out your server.

3. Verification types

We have 3 types of verification, every one of them is explained below:

Verification TypeDescription
Google_RecaptchaV2Google recaptcha will require users to visit, complete a captcha and click verify.
ReactionThe Reaction type requires the user to simply add a reaction to a message in the verification channel.
PasswordThe Password type requires the user to write the correct password in the verification channel.

Any verification method at least required you to: 1. Set a Verification Channel with >setChannel Verification <channel*> 2. Set a Unverified Role with >setRole unverified <role*> 3. Limit the Unverified Role to the Verification Channel either manually or by using >limitRoleToChannel <role*> <channel*...>

For Google_RecaptchaV2 4. Set the Verification Type to Google Recaptcha with >setVerificationType Google_RecaptchaV2 5. Provide the user the link ( in your Verification Channel

For Reaction 4. Set the Verification Type to Reaction with >setVerificationType Reaction 5. Set the reaction emote or emoji you want to use with >setVerificationEmote <emote* | emoji*> 6. Write a message you want in Verification Channel and react to it with the emote or emoji you set in step 5

For Password 4. Set the Verification Type to Password with >setVerificationType Password 5. Set the password you want to use with >setVerificationPassword <password: string*>

  • You can manually verify users with >verify <user*>
  • If you want a role for verified users then please follow our joinroles guide, joinroles are applied after verification.
  • If you want logs about who is verified use >slc verification <channel*>
  • If you want join messages for users who aren't verified: >preVerificationJoinMessage or >pvjm if you want to type less. (Don't forget to set the channel >sc Pre_Verification_Join <textChannel*>)
  • If you want leave messages for users who aren't verified: >preVerificationLeaveMessage or >pvlm if you want to type less. (Don't forget to set the channel >sc Pre_Verification_Leave <textChannel*>)
  • >joinMessage Normal join messages will be sent after verification | >setChannel Join <textChannel*>
  • >leaveMessage Normal leave messages will be sent after verification | >setChannel Leave <textChannel*>
  • >limitRoleToChannel <role*> <channel*> Should be used on the unverified role with verification channel if you don't want to restrict permissions yourself.
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